Cape Town International / Schiphol Airport, Holland

I've been in transit for 3 days now.
Slowly making my way from Africa to America, with visa problems, flight problems, money problems, schedule problems.
I've been reading The Duino Elegies, with my overpriced airport concessions, and pint sized beers.
Last night, I rented a drawer-bed by the hour, and converted my rand into euros for the purchase of a toothbrush.
This morning, I am watching a dutch show about oil painting and re-reading The Duino Elegies.
I am also drinking alot of coffee and updating my blog.
I'm loving catching up on all of your adventures.
Did you actually manage to get any sleep on your bed-in-a-drawer?
slept like a baby. i think i would like to put my bed in a drawer at home....
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