Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Laugh of the Day

Media Motion Studio

Charlotte, NC

Today I reached a saturation point. A lot going on. Too much to think about. Too many things slipping through the cracks, happening outside my sphere of control. Suddenly it all culminated with the Supervising Producer turning to me with her pen and paper and asking - "For your lunch today, do you want tofu with your veggie curry?" Didn't she realize how many things I was processing at that moment? Budget! Schedule! Post! Shooting! Trade Out! Can't anyone just make a decision on their own? But no - I needed to be calm to provide answers that made sense and helped guide the production toward ultimate success.

Long pause. Deep Thought. Working the question out in my head - along with all the possibilities... Tofu can provide protein. Protein helps build muscle. I like that - but Im not working out, so there is no muscle to build. I dont like the flavor of tofu. Im not really a fan of soybeans. So whats the point really? Course, I could always do half tofu...

Finally I realized, I dont care about tofu

"I dont care about tofu", I said.

Which seemed so on point, it felt like it should be turned into a bumper sticker for my Kia Sedona rental.

This was my first laugh of the day.


Stephanie Torresi said...

I always love a good Simmons story to make me chuckle...and this one really brightened my day.

BillGoat said...

Who does care about tofu? Oh - I'm sorry about the stress, but you have me hanging on every word!